Saturday, June 15, 2019

The relationship between Cooperative Learning and Social Emotional Case Study

The relationship between Cooperative Learning and Social Emotional Learning in a Elementary mixed ability scholarship environment - Case Study Examplematerials and ask them to learn the topic on their own at an person level, without discussing, and then administer a test at the end of the learning. Secondly, the t severallyer can apply the teaching methodology of teaching the hearty topic to the students, bit the students take notes, after which a test is administered at the end of the topic to establish their understanding. Thirdly, the teacher can teach the students the topic differently, by teaching the whole topic to each student alone, and then turning on the other student until he is through with all of them. Fourth, the students can ask the students to pick each sub-topic of their interests to learn on their own, and then come teach the sub-topic to the rest of students in a classroom forum moderated by the teacher. Which option is suitable for teaching the liveliness cell topic to the students?In a science class, the teacher has a group of six students of mixed learning abilities. Some of the students have low learning abilities, understanding the content of the teaching really slowly and at times lagging behind in performing the required tasks for the lessons. On the other hand, there is another group that has a high learning ability, being able to learn the content of the science lesson easily, and thus managing to undertake the learning activities and practical tasks very easily. The teacher is highly concerned about the inability of the students with low learning ability to move with the pace he has set, and is therefore worried that such students whitethorn inconvenience the students with the high learning abilities, by making the learning process slow, and thus affect the time that the scheduled science lessons should be completed. Thus, the teacher is contemplating miscellaneous measures to address this problem.First, the teacher is contem plating teaching at the pace that the high ability students are able to adapt, while ignoring the needs of the group with low-learning abilities. Secondly, the teacher is

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