Friday, June 14, 2019

Article Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article Review - Essay ExampleMoreover, the limited funding usually available to managers of non-profits make them focus on save high-priority tasks, sacrificing quality of management. Hence, there is an inherent trade-off between management efficiency and leadership quality. Most non-profits seem to have one or the other just now the most successful few are those that display both these characteristics. Most leaders of non-profits surveyed for the article do indeed recognize this trade-off and admit to short-comings in their management standards. In their willingness to improve the same, these leaders were open to learning new techniques and principles and adopting them to their organizations. Some of them have already implemented some of principles and tasted success. The first of such measures is get Strategic Clarity. Achieving strategic clarity means respondent, in very concrete terms, two questions that are core to a nonprofits mission What meet are we prepared to be held accountable for? And What do we need to do - and not do - in order to achieve this impact? (Stid & Bradach, 2009, p.37) By answering this set of questions, leaders are in a better position to align their resources and processes around core objectives.

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